Why Does Exercise Make You Happy?

Why Does Exercise Make You Happy?

Have you ever felt that your mood improved after you exercised?  There’s a reason for that — exercise has many health benefits, like improving your mood, leaving you feeling happier and less stressed.  It is common to believe that the physical stress exercise...
Exercise in the Morning

Exercise in the Morning

The early bird gets the worm! This holds true for those who embrace morning exercise — as starting your day with a workout is beneficial for many reasons.    You may think you aren’t a “morning person” but give it a shot and see how you feel after exercising in...
Is Bed Rest for the Best?

Is Bed Rest for the Best?

Have you ever wondered about the effects of bed rest?  Following illness or injury, bed rest can be beneficial. However, the longer you remain in bed, the more detrimental the effects can be on your body.  Muscle wasting occurs early and rapidly in critical care...
How Exercise Reduces Stress

How Exercise Reduces Stress

Do you experience worry, irritability, tension, or other signs of stress?   If so, you’re not alone.   Stress affects everyone, and many stressors are beyond our control. What you do to handle it makes a big difference!   Some stress is good for you, like the kind...
Can Exercise Help Depression?

Can Exercise Help Depression?

Have you ever experienced seasonal depression?   If so, you’re not alone.  About 10 to 20 percent of American adults experience a milder version of seasonal depression called the “winter blues.” The days are shorter and there’s less sunlight, leaving us unhappy and...