How Exercise Can Help Anxiety

How Exercise Can Help Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 6.8 million adults are affected by generalized anxiety disorder.  Additionally, an estimated 31.1% of U.S. adults experience at least one anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.  People with generalized...
Motivational Tips for Exercising

Motivational Tips for Exercising

Let’s be honest, maintaining the motivation to exercise is not an easy task. Life often throws curveballs, tempting distractions like our favorite Netflix series, and the allure of our comfy couches can be hard to resist.  Tips to keep you motivated Don’t sweat...
Why Does Exercise Make You Happy?

Why Does Exercise Make You Happy?

Have you ever felt that your mood improved after you exercised?  There’s a reason for that — exercise has many health benefits, like improving your mood, leaving you feeling happier and less stressed.  It is common to believe that the physical stress exercise...
How Exercise Reduces Stress

How Exercise Reduces Stress

Do you experience worry, irritability, tension, or other signs of stress?   If so, you’re not alone.   Stress affects everyone, and many stressors are beyond our control. What you do to handle it makes a big difference!   Some stress is good for you, like the kind...
Can Exercise Improve Sleep?

Can Exercise Improve Sleep?

Do you struggle to sleep?  As we age, both the quality and total uninterrupted hours of sleep we get each night decrease.   Fewer hours of deep sleep can leave you waking up already planning a nap. Even worse, it increases your risk for heart attack, stroke, and...
Can Exercise Help Depression?

Can Exercise Help Depression?

Have you ever experienced seasonal depression?   If so, you’re not alone.  About 10 to 20 percent of American adults experience a milder version of seasonal depression called the “winter blues.” The days are shorter and there’s less sunlight, leaving us unhappy and...