Overcoming Your Fitness Plateau

Overcoming Your Fitness Plateau

Are you feeling stuck in your fitness journey? Hitting a “fitness plateau” can be frustrating, but it’s a common challenge many face. Here are some expert tips to help you overcome this feeling and start making progress again.  Understanding Fitness Plateaus  A...
Exercise in the Morning

Exercise in the Morning

The early bird gets the worm! This holds true for those who embrace morning exercise — as starting your day with a workout is beneficial for many reasons.    You may think you aren’t a “morning person” but give it a shot and see how you feel after exercising in...
Are Low-Impact Workouts Effective?

Are Low-Impact Workouts Effective?

Ever wondered whether low-impact workouts are effective?  We’ve all heard the motto “no pain, no gain” in relation to exercise. It makes us think a harder workout means a greater reward. However, that isn’t necessarily true.   Keep reading to learn more. ...
How to Stay Consistent With Exercise

How to Stay Consistent With Exercise

Do you struggle to be consistent with exercise? If so, you’re not alone. Every December, people resolve to start going to the gym in the new year. After three months, only 10% of people stick with this goal.   Why you might ask? There are many barriers, like...